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Festive Greetings

Festive Greetings

As we look back upon the past year, the team at Resolve Optics would like to acknowledge all the customers and supply partners who have helped us develop our business. Thanks for a great year, enjoy...

Choosing the best lens for your camera / sensor

Choosing the best lens for your camera / sensor

When selecting a lens for your camera, it is commonly thought that the lens should match the number of cycles provided by the sensor to give you the maximum resolution possible. This however - is...

FAQ: How can I justify a custom lens design?

FAQ: How can I justify a custom lens design?

A: When looking for optical components for your camera, instrument, or sensor the first port of call is often the off-the-shelf market, and quite rightly so. Off-the-shelf optical components can...

Looking for high performance satellite optics?

Looking for high performance satellite optics?

A new technical note discusses the key design considerations for producing high performance satellite optics. When designing optics for satellite applications, a key decision is whether the optics...

Performance matched lenses for nuclear sensors

Performance matched lenses for nuclear sensors

Many applications in nuclear facilities incorporate remote monitoring cameras or sensors to assist in ensuring safe and productive operation. Read about our latest generation of non-browning zoom...

Lenses optimised for use in Low Earth Orbit

Lenses optimised for use in Low Earth Orbit

If you are looking to develop optical instruments for use in a Low Earth Orbit satellite deployment lasting a year or more, then use radiation resistant optics to guarantee good transmission for the...