Social Media Archive

Visionary Lens

Vision applications often place big demands on camera / sensors lenses. The Model Z10 is an ultra compact 10x zoom lens designed to deliver crisp high definition images with an unbeatable close...

Not all machine vision lens are created equal

NOT ALL MACHINE VISION LENS ARE CREATED EQUAL Given the diverse range of sensor formats and different resolutions available in machine vision cameras, the number of lens options is vast. Ahead of...

Enhance Inspection with Focus Corrected SWIR lenses

A new 16mm diameter Short Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) lens, the Model 363 has been introduced for inspection and material sorting applications. Focus and colour correction on the Model 363 lens...

SWIR Applications & Challenges

Short-wave infrared (SWIR) cameras enable a growing range of applications by enhancing current machine vision systems by imaging beyond the visible spectrum. An informative primer to SWIR...

How Secure is Your Lens Supply

The last thing you need with an important product, that is generating good income for you, is to find that a lens you have selected to deliver its optical performance is being discontinued. While...

Assured Lens Quality

Quality is an integral part of our company and we are proud to have held ISO certification since 2005. All products and services supplied by Resolve Optics are covered by the ISO 9001:2008...

OEM Lens Design and Development just became easier

A new video teleconferencing facility has been installed at Resolve Optics to improve and enhance communications with optics users around the world. This new facility allows sharing of 3D CAD images...

Changing field of view without loss of image quality

A lens adapter can offer an economic solution to achieve your desired field of view (FOV) or image format from a prime lens in a camera or sensor system. Unfortunately many generic lens adapters are...