Social Media Archive

2019 – A Great Year for Scientific Advances

A large number of significant scientific events have occurred during 2019. These have included the New Horizons space probe flying by the Kuiper belt in January. A British woman became the first...

Sourcing Optics for Space Projects

Many different types of optical imaging and sensing systems are used to observe and measure the Earth and the universe at large. However, designing optical systems for satellites and spacecraft is...

Achieve the Full Potential of Your Megapixel Camera

Our custom large format lenses provide an optimised solution to enable your megapixel camera to achieve its full performance potential opening the door to exciting new application solutions.


Current state of the European photonics industry

Europe has a dynamic photonics ecosystem with approximately 100 acquisitions a year and strong investment from the EU in research & development. A new article, written by Carlos Lee, Director...

No Compromise Wide Angle Field of View

Achieving a wide field-of-view with no loss of performance is what our Model 387 lens adapter was designed for. The Model 387 converts the 4 mm focal length Fujinon TF4XA-1 HD lens to a 2.8 mm focal...

Investment in Custom Lens Design & Manufacture

By employing the latest 3D CAD modelling techniques, advanced optical manufacturing and CNC machining technology we have built a reputation for delivering high quality, competitively priced...

Matching Camera Sensors and Lenses

Industrial camera sensors come in a wide range of sizes from 1/4-inch to 1-inch and beyond. The lens(es) you choose to integrate into your product will play a pivotal role in determining your camera...

Customised Lenses for Megapixel Cameras and Sensors

The performance of a high-resolution camera or sensor is only as good as the information provided to it. In an optical system this is the function of your lens. If the resolution delivered by the...