Social Media Archive

Forensic Fingerprinting Lens – video introduction

Video is widely agreed to communicate more in sight, sound and feeling than words or images alone. That is why Resolve Optics has produced a video to introduce to you to its high-performance...

Optics in Healthcare and the Life Sciences

Chapter 2 of an informative book 'Harnessing Light: Optical Science and Engineering for the 21st Century' discusses how optics and lasers have changed the practice of medicine and how optical...

Optical Design Strategy: What Comes First? 

What should you consider first when designing a new optical product or upgrading an existing product, the lens or the sensor? Considering that without a lens you do not have an image - it should be...

Bespoke Lens Enables Precision Radiotherapy

As increasing numbers of people require radiotherapy as a key part of their cancer treatment, there is a need for treatment delivery systems that can deliver precise and accurate care quickly. Learn...

Deep Sea Observation

A customised version of our compact Z10 high definition zoom lens is being used by a leading European supplier of autonomous camera systems being deployed to monitor methane seep and hydrothermal...

How Photonics Is Helping the Fight Against COVID-19

The European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) has put together some informative webinars to highlight photonics can do to support humanity in finding tools to face and defeat the Coronavirus...

Why Choose A Custom Lens Supply Partner

When it comes to an application that optically requires something a little more demanding such as leading-edge performance, high-resolution, compactness or a large format image selecting...