Social Media Archive

Lens Design under Lockdown

Has the COVID-19 pandemic limited your ability to meet with optical suppliers? Why not take advantage of our video teleconferencing service. During the last few months we have used our...

Optics for the Nuclear Industry

Today’s nuclear sector is demanding higher performance radiation resistant cameras which require specialist lenses and optical systems to be used in this challenging environment. Read this interview...

Guide to Radiation Resistant Lenses

All optical elements within our radiation resistant lens designs are made using cerium oxide doped glass or synthetic silica enabling them to withstand radiation doses of up to 100,000,000 rads and...

Fixed Focus Radiation Resistant Lens

Rather than having to determine the correct focusing distance and setting the lens to that focal point, a fixed-focus lens relies on sufficient depth of field to produce sharp images. The 6mm focal...

Getting Close-Up Images in Radiation Zones

Explore our range of non-browning zoom lenses for use in environments subject to radiation. All our lenses are manufactured to the highest standards of quality and performance and are designed to...

Custom OEM Lens Assemblies

Resolve Optics deliver thousands of custom OEM lens assemblies each year - from complex optical modules for high-speed imaging systems and precision lens for aircraft head-up displays, to robust...

Optimised Custom Design = Competitive Edge

For more challenging optical measurements, a custom designed lens optimised for your application is often the best solution. Learn about how our excellence in optical design and manufacturing can...

Space Ready Satellite Optics 

Because of the growing international demand for data, telecoms and satellite communication, operators are faced with delivering growing data quantities without significant delays....