Social Media Archive

New Faces

On the back of continuing strong business throughout 2020 - Resolve Optics invested in several new staff. Drawing upon a background in the photonics industry - James Stevens has joined our...

Close-up Imaging in High Radiation Environments

Using specially selected non-browning glass the Model 357 Motorised Zoom lens is able to produce clear sharp images free of the strong yellow tint that has traditionally been a limiting issue when...

Smarter Working Initiative

From 1st February 2021 – Resolve Optics will implement a new 4-days on, 3-days off, work pattern to improve the work life balance of its employees. Mark Pontin - Managing Director commented "We have...

Case Study: Verifying Spent Nuclear Fuel

Spent nuclear fuel emits a faint ultraviolet Cerenkov light when gamma rays from fuel assemblies interact with electrons in the cooling pond water.  A global leader in nuclear safeguards technology...

Extended Range Non-Browning Zoom Lens

Based upon our tried and trusted 6x non-browning zoom lens design – the new Model 192-001 offers high performance over an extended 24-144mm focal length range. The lens’s special glass can withstand...

Radiation Resistant Lenses Does Not Just Mean Nuclear

Requiring optical elements that do not discolour or degrade when subject to radiation is not limited to just nuclear applications. For instance - in medical research - our radiation resistant lenses...