Social Media Archive

Radiation Resistant Lenses in the Press

Many thanks to @sciencemagazine. They report how Resolve Optics Model 192-001 non-browning 6x zoom lens offers high performance over an extended 24mm–144mm focal-length range, making it perfect for...

Radiation Resistant Lenses in the Press

Many thanks to Nuclear Engineering International magazine. They report how Ahlberg Cameras turned to Resolve Optics to design and produce a robust, fixed focus non-browning zoom lens that could...

Advanced Lens Quality Testing

Thanks to the growing number of customers who have reported back on how our automated MTF lens testing system has enhanced the accuracy, repeatability and faster delivery of their lenses. Our...

Introduction to Radiation Resistant Lenses

Drawing upon decades of experience – we have produced an informative brochure that provides an introduction to radiation resistant optics, their capabilities, areas of use and specifications of our...

Are Your Optics Cleanroom Constructed?

Much of our optical production is characterized by the need for a high degree of accuracy and producing a top performance product. Consequently, the requirement for cleanliness of the working...

Designing Optics for Limited Space Applications

Reducing the volume of space occupied by an optical imaging product is often driven by the desire to increase portability, reduce weight and reduce cost. Over the last 25 years - Resolve Optics has...

Aerospace Interview

Demand for custom lens that meet the exact needs of camera and sensor organizations targeting aerospace applications is rising dramatically. In a new interview with IEN Europe – Mark Pontin...

Not Available Off-the-Shelf?

Have you searched high and low for that critical optical component for your product? Unfortunately - not all optics are available off-the-shelf when your application requires something a little more...